Our Family Life

Saturdays on the Porch

Welcome to the porch! Let’s chat, shall we?

This week hasn’t been the best for me. Now that we’re getting settled into the new home, I’ve been feeling a little down. I haven’t been able to get out of the house so I’m stuck inside 24/7, which isn’t good for someone with depression.

I miss my morning walks with my friend Amy, where we talked about everything under the sun and laughed over stupid stuff.

I miss being able to be at my mom’s house in 3 minutes whenever I just needed to talk.

I’m starting to feel somewhat isolated and lonely up here in the “city”. I’m sure I’ll start feeling better once I can find a good walking spot and be able to tour the city a little. Whenever that may be. My husband spends every weekend out so he knows the place better than I do. Meanwhile, I’m stuck at home cleaning up after everybody and making sure everybody has what they need.

My friend Bridget shared a post this week with links to her wonderfully written articles on praising God. As I read through these posts it just hit me that it’s exactly what I needed this week! She may not know it, but God led her to bring me some peace this week and I thank them both for that.

Home Update

Honestly, not a lot has happened this week. My husband has been setting up the Ring Alarm home security system he purchased during Amazon Prime Day.

We’re still waiting to hear back from the contractors about when work can be started. “Hopefully soon” is the latest update. (Insert eye-rolling)

The weeds kicked my butt, so my husband bought some weed killer and sprayed them. Now they’re just sitting out there turning brown, looking like an even hotter mess.

My plans for this weekend are to start cleaning and preparing our other home so we can list it immediately. I also plan to visit with my mom for a few hours (even though she doesn’t know that yet!). She’s been nice enough to stop by the house and get my mail for me since our mailman just lets our mail fly all over the road and yard apparently.

What’s on the menu this week:

Vegetarian Enchilada Casserole

This week’s dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies (my daughter made)

My favorite posts from around the web this week:

  • Sometimes I enjoy watching the TV show Storage Wars. But sometimes it makes me sad to see that these people are buying other people’s treasured heirlooms and selling them for a profit just to make money for themselves. I always feel like some of that stuff was left behind because the owner was down on their luck. Well, this week I came across a story of a 16-year-old boy in Rhode Island who buys repossessed storage units and does whatever it takes to return the treasured items either to their owners or to family. How sweet is that!
  • How fun would it be to visit this amazing library in China? I was a little disapointed to find out that most of the floor-to-ceiling shelves are actually painted to look like they’re full of books. (whomp-whomp) It still looks cool, though!

Deal of the week:

*Affiliate link. Learn more about what that means here.

This month is Plastic-Free July. I’ve seen a lot of amazing ways floating around on Pinterest about how to go plastic-free to help the environment. Grove Collaborative is helping us go plastic-free this month by giving away a free plastic-free set!

The free set includes:

  • Grove Co. Glass Concentrate
  • Grove Co. Reusable Spray Bottle
  • Grove Co. All Purpose Concentrate
  • Grove Co. Reusable Spray Bottle
  • Grove Co. Cleaning Caddy
  • Grove Co. Scrubber Sponges
  • Free Shipping & VIP Trial

Get yours here and learn more!

Photo of the Week

I came across this photo this week and thought it was a great reminder to praise God for what He has given us. And not let distractions ruin our lives.

This week on the blog:

In case you missed it, this week I shared a list of 65 places to get free food for your birthday. If you have a birthday coming up soon, be sure to check out the list and sign up to get free food!

Your turn!

Share with me what you’ve been up to this week!

Thank you for sharing!

Michelle lives on a small homestead with her husband, daughter, 6 silly hens, 1 crazy rooster, 2 lazy cats, and 1 rescue dog. She loves DIYs, frugal living, crocheting, and reading. She's also a full-time proofreader.

View Comments

  • Sorry you’re feeling a little down Michelle. I think that’s understandable after all the excitement of the last few months. Be kind to yourself. It will take time to adjust to a new situation.

    It has been a fun week here. My older daughter has been home for a visit and it’s so nice to have her here and just hang out and do simple stuff like puzzles and games. She’s going back on Monday though. I miss her when she’s gone.

    • Thank you for the encouraging words!

      That's so nice that you've been able to spend time with your daughter. I hope you get to spend more time with her soon!

    • I hope you had a nice vacation! Sometimes I feel like I need another vacation just to rest from vacation. :D

  • So sorry about that honey, I understand your feeling, though I am an introvert and always happy being left alone! But as you say: it is always nice to meet a good friend or go for a walk in beautiful nature. I hope your house get ready soon and all other problems will be eliminated. An old Sage says; in patience leis the strength.

    • Thank you for understanding. I'm an introvert, too, but sometimes I get lonely and it's nice to have a friend. :) I love that saying! Thank you for sharing it!

  • Oh I am sorry that you don’t get to see your mom as often as before… I understand how you feel… and what’s up with the mailman? I hope they’d care for the mails like it’s theirs…

    I hope you’d get your groove back soon and thanks for the stories you’ve shared, I loved that one about the kid who bought a storage unit… what he’s done was really cool!

    • Thank you for understanding! Right? Apparently the mailman just doesn't care about anybody else's mail.
      I love that story, too! How sweet!

  • I'm sorry you're down. When we moved I had some similar issues, but in my case we were closer to my mom. Trying to get out or find some time to myself was really important. Maybe hubby can watch your daughter while you step out for a bit of a walk or just go sit at a local park with a good book.

    I love your idea of adding favorite blog posts you've read during the week. I may steal that idea for my Sunday Bookends. Ooh! And give you credit *wink*

    • That's a great idea to go to the local park and read. I came across a park nearby while searching Google Maps (how lame!). It seems like a nice place so I'll have to check it out hopefully this weekend. Thanks for the idea!

      Thanks! You may steal away! :D

  • I hope you get settled in soon and back walking again. If you can, take 10-30 minutes off each day to go outside, if possible. You will be surprised how much it will help. And then you will get a spring in your step, getting back to taking care of the things that have to be done inside. Self-care is so important! Is this a pic of your porch? Lovely pic!

    • Thank you for that advice! I'll definitely get outside more and take advantage of nature. It's not my porch, but it's my dream porch. :)

  • Michelle, sorry to hear about the loneliness. I faced this problem and spend some walking and gardening. That helped me lot. ?

  • Hope you start feeling settled again soon, Michelle, I know you guys have had a lot going on the past few months and a lot of it has been stress filled. I love that you're looking forward to walks outside and visiting your Mom. It's so important to have a support system, be kind to yourself and to give yourself something to look forward to. Hang in there! Sending you hugs, CoCo PS: I've been holding onto Isaiah 43:18-19 lately and it might help you too :)

    • Thank you so much for your encouraging words aa well as your support. Both are so much appreciated! ? And thank you for sharing the Bible verse with me, too. I'm keeping it close. ❤️

  • I am sorry you have been feeling down. I hope you’re able to make friends in your new neighborhood and find a place to walk. I will be praying for you!
    I am so honored to know that the Lord used the praise post to lift your spirits! What an amazing Father we have, who always looks out for us! ❤️
    I will have to make the BBQ chicken pizza for my husband. He will love it.
    Wow, all three links you shared were amazing! About the library- that actually would be a cool idea for a home, to paint wall(s) to look like books. Maybe in a home office?
    I love the photo you shared!

    • Thank you for your prayers! And your always helpful posts!
      Painting an office wall to look like that library would be such a fun idea! ❤️

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