Organizing Tips

Sorting Your Laundry for the Best Results

Did you know that there’s more to sorting your laundry than just tossing it in the washing machine? Follow these tips to get the best results when it comes to laundry – so your white t-shirts don’t end up pink.

Sorting your laundry seems pretty easy, right? Just toss it all in the washing machine and go on about your day.

Nope. It’s not as simple as that. Unless you want your white t-shirts to end up an odd shade of pink or some other weird color. (Yes, this has happened to me.)

If you don’t want that to happen, then it’s best to learn how to sort your laundry the right way. Follow the tips below to get the best results on laundry day.

Sorting Your Laundry 101

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  • Sort by clothing type: Make sure you read the tags before throwing the item in the washing machine. Some clothes need to be washed by hand and some need to be laid flat to dry.
    • Towels: Towels produce a lot of lint, which sticks to other types of clothing. Wash towels separately or with sheets and blankets. However, I prefer to wash a load of towels separate from everything else.
    • Heavier items: Heavier items, such as sweatshirts and hoodies, take longer to dry than lighter ones. Overdrying clothing can ruin the fiber in clothing.
    • Specialty clothes: Clothes that have zippers and buttons should be washed separately from knit clothing and lingerie because they can tear those types of clothing in the wash.
  • Sort by color: Keep colors separate so the dyes do not bleed onto other clothing items.
    • Whites: Whites should stay with whites because you want them to stay white. All it takes is one red sock to ruin a load of white socks and t-shirts. Also, whites should be washed in a warmer water temperature for the best result.
    • Bright Colors: Pinks, oranges, purples, and reds can be mixed together. However, reds are known for bleeding onto other fabrics, so wash reds separately if you’re unsure.
  • Sort by the amount of dirt: Clothing that is badly stained or has a lot of dirt on it should be washed separately from other clothing and on a longer, heavy-duty cycle.
  • Check pockets: Don’t forget to check all the pockets before putting them into the wash. Receipts and gum can cause a huge mess! (Speaking from experience here!)
  • Turn clothes inside out: Turning your clothes inside out protects them during the wash and keeps jeans from turning white at the seams.
  • Pretreat: Make sure you pretreat any stains before washing. Otherwise, the stain will set in and never come out. Click here to see how to pretreat stains with baking soda.

Following these steps to sorting your laundry will prevent any major laundry disasters. I’ve had quite a few of those and it didn’t take me long to learn what to do before every wash.

How do you sort your laundry? What method works best for you?

For more cleaning and organizing tips, I recommend these:
How to Let Go of Sentimental Stuff
How to Clean Your Mattress the Right Way
10 Best Organizers for Your Bedroom
Bedroom Organizing Ideas That Will Work for Anyone

Thank you for sharing!

Michelle is a stay-at-home homeschool mom who loves DIYs and living a frugal lifestyle.

View Comments

  • Thank you for these really useful tips - my children need a lesson in the art of sorting washing! xxx

    • You're welcome. I'm glad you found them helpful! As soon as my daughter hit 13 earlier this year her floor seemed to become her laundry basket. lol

  • I learnt my lesson a few years ago when I put a red scarf in with my whites, and turned them pink! Now I always make sure to separate colours. I also check the pockets of all my clothes - tissues are the main culprit for me! I never thought about washing heavier items separately though - I didn't know that over-drying could ruin the fibre! Thanks for these tips.

    • Oh no! Similar things have happened to me so I get it. Lesson learned. :) Thank you for reading! I'm glad you found these tips helpful.

  • Good tips Michelle !! Earlier I faced the problem of unsorted clothing w in the washing machine !! Then I learnt to sort the clothes !! ?

  • I already sort clothes by colour and 'type' sometimes too, but a good point on the weight of clothing. And an excellent reminder to check the pockets - that can get very messy if you don't and discover you had some tissues in there!!
    Great tips xx

    • Yes, check the pockets. I've had to learn the hard way since my husband puts every receipt in his pocket and then forgets about them. ;) And tissues are no fun, either! :)

  • Great tips! These are things that I am doing but in my college years I was absolutely clueless and I definitely would’ve benefited from this post, I ruined quite a few laundry items back in the day!...I could totally see this as a typed out note added to a high school graduates congrats card...along with a bottle of laundry detergent ?

    • Thank you! I think we've all learned the hard way at some point. I've turned my husband's t-shirts pink before. (Oops!) That's a great idea to add these tips to a bottle of laundry detergent for a high school graduate! :)

  • Thanks for the tips, Michelle. I used to do laundry, but now I'm spoiled because my wife does it. I try to help by folding laundry, but apparently I never do it right. :)

    • Thank you for reading! That reminds me of an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond where he pretends like he doesn't know how to do things so he doesn't have to help. One of them is folding the laundry. ?

  • Awesome tips. I do most of these until I have a lazy day and's not good haha!

  • Michelle, I also have learned the hard way about checking pockets especially for tissues (that make a MESS if not retrieved!) I didn't know about turning jeans inside out until last year. (Considering how long I've been the laundry lady of our home, that's major!) Thanks for your list! Weekend blessings! VA :)

    • Tissues are the worst! My husband is really bad about leaving receipts in his pocket so I had to start checking them a long time ago. I don't enjoy picking the little pieces of paper off clothes. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :)

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