Frugal Living

The Best Things to Buy in April

April sales usually lean more towards warm-weather apparel and jewelry. Check out this great guide I put together for you for the best things to buy in April to keep money in your pocket all year!

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Spring is officially here and that means retailers are preparing for warmer weather. Anything leftover from winter will be a steal this month, so be sure to check out those clearance items.

Since most of the world has been ordered to stay home during the coronavirus pandemic, online shopping will be the way to go.

And since you’re doing a lot of shopping online these days, don’t forget to sign up for Rakuten to get cashback!

I’ve put together an extensive list of the best things to buy in April to save you time and money.

See more money-saving tips here!

The Best Things to Buy in April

  • Car parts and accessories: April is national car care month, so look for promotions at most auto parts stores. For example, Advance Auto is having a sale on wash and wax products right now. It’s also a great time to stock up on oil.
  • Jewelry: Mother’s Day is coming up soon here in the USA, so jewelry stores are starting sales this month. Also, engagement and wedding rings are starting to go on sale this month, too. Jared is offering 20% off those this month. Macy’s is having a huge diamond sale!
  • Mother’s Day gifts: If you’re not able to visit with mom this year, consider sending flowers. Order a month in advance and save even more!
  • Spring apparel: Retailers such as Kohl’s, JC Penney, and Old Navy are big on deep discounts when it comes to getting apparel in and out of their stores. Kohl’s usually has a shoe event with shoes going for under $35.
  • Vacuum cleaners: Since it’s time for spring cleaning, be on the lookout for vacuum cleaners to go on sale. Best Buy is having their vacuum sale right now and if you’re looking for a carpet cleaner Sears has a Hoover for only $75 with excellent reviews.
  • Easter clearance: The day after Easter, stores start marking down their Easter products and a few days later whatever is left usually gets another major markdown. Look for 50% the day after Easter and up to 75% a few days later.
  • Free Pretzels: April 26 is National Pretzel Day so be on the lookout for restaurants handing out free pretzels. Some chains, such as Auntie Anne’s, tend to offer “buy one, get one free” deals, free drinks with pretzel purchases, and sometimes completely free pretzels with no purchase.
  • Tax Day Freebies: As of right now this one is uncertain due to the fact that this year April 15th is no longer tax day because of the pandemic. However, during normal times Tax Day comes with a lot of freebies, from food to massages. Staples and Office Depot & Office Max are stores to watch out for around tax day for free document shredding that comes with a coupon to their stores.
  • Earth Day Freebies: Earth Day falls on April 22, but just like Tax Day this is another day that is uncertain as of right now. Usually, stores offer green freebies and discounts for Earth Day. Deals also include free entrances to national parks, free organic milkshakes, and free or discounted coffees.
  • Kitchen & Dining: JCPenney and Kohl’s are having a sale on lots of items for the kitchen right now. Macy’s has a Rocket Blender 12-piece set on sale right now for $18.99! That’s a steal considering it’s normally about $45. Also, be on the lookout for kitchen organization.
  • Cookware: April is the month that leads up to weddings and graduations. What better gift than a cookware set? Lots of department stores will be discounting these this month.
  • Secondhand goods: Spring cleaning (and quarantine) has many people cleaning out their closets and donating clothing. An increase in donations means there’s a bigger selection for you to choose from. Be sure to visit earlier in the week for some great finds before they’re gone. Don’t forget about the online thrift stores such as ThredUp, Poshmark, and eBay. Goodwill also has a way to shop online.
  • Seasonal Produce: Look for bright green produce this month, such as broccoli, lettuce, leeks, asparagus, spring peas, and artichokes. Also, in season this month is radishes, mushrooms, cauliflower, and rhubarb. It’s also a great month to buy pineapples.

I hope this list of the best things to buy in April helps you keep some money in your pocket this year. It may be a little harder to get out and purchase some items, but at least technology is there to help us with our shopping.

What’s on your list this month?

Check out my other monthly posts on the best things to buy to save money all year:

Thank you for sharing!

Michelle lives on a small homestead with her husband, daughter, 6 silly hens, 1 crazy rooster, 2 lazy cats, and 1 rescue dog. She loves DIYs, frugal living, crocheting, and reading. She's also a full-time proofreader.

View Comments

  • Great ideas, Michelle! Only the grocery stores, pharmacies and banks are open here. No deliveries either. Now that makes saving easier ;)

    • That's how it is here, too mostly. We do still have deliveries so we have to do most of our shopping online. It makes it easier to compare prices, but I've noticed that a lot of items are cheaper in the store than on their website at some stores. Weird!

  • As always, you surprise me with the items available at a discount for each month! Mmmm, this line sounds particularly awesome: "Deals also include free entrances to national parks, free organic milkshakes, and free or discounted coffees." I'd take either of those :D

    Cookware discounts sound great too. We desperately need to update some of ours. Cast iron is our most popular cookware, but many of our older Pyrex (etc) need to be replaced. That stuff can get terribly expensive!

    Thanks for this great list Michelle. As always, I'm sharing so others can come enjoy! ♥ So thankful to hear this week has been better for you. Praying you & your family remain safe, happy and blessed! ?

    • A trip to a national park with a free milkshake would be a great day! Much needed right now! :) I hope you can find a great deal on some new cookware. I know how expensive some of it can be. Thank you for your prayers!! You're in my prayers for safety and health as well! :)

  • I love your "Best Things to Buy" posts! It helps me greatly when I go to make a monthly list! Thank you :)

  • WOW! this is some list, it's great. I need some new cook wear, so this is great I'll start looking. Oh and I've been meaning to tell you, your blog is looking beautiful. Stay well, thank you for all this great info. <3

    • Thank you! I hope you find some new cookware! Something to brighten your day. :) And thank you so much for the feedback on my blog! I really appreciate that! :D Have a wonderful weekend!

  • These posts are always so helpful, Michelle, thank you! I never expected home and kitchen goods to be on sale right so this is a great surprise. Hugs, CoCo

  • I always love your lists! We are getting tires this month. We actually have a car savings fund so that we can buy car parts when the need comes up. I've been grateful for it more than once!

    • A car savings fund is such a great idea! You just never know when something is going to happen with your car so that's really helpful.

  • Great post and oh my did you remind me of something. They put an expensive set of quality pans on sale at a department store about 7 years ago. They were really cheap so I bought a set for our daughter and another as a back up gift. Well the 2nd set is still sitting in my basement! It may be time to change out my pans. Not the cast iron of

    • I'm so glad I reminded you of those pans! It's nice to be able to shop from your own house and not spend any money. :)

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