20 Frugal Christmas Tips You Need to Know
Christmas season can get expensive, but you don’t have to let it take over your bank account. Read these frugal Christmas tips to help you survive the holidays without going broke.

Christmas is right around the corner! I have almost finished my Christmas shopping, but I still have a few more things to get. Since we are in the middle of a home renovation we decided not to spend as much on Christmas this year.
Sticking to a budget is really important, especially during the holidays. If you let it, Christmas can ruin your bank account. I’ve come up with 20 frugal Christmas tips to help you stick to your budget this year and not go broke.
Here are 20 frugal Christmas tips you need to know!
1. Give gifts that meet a need. Take some time to consider those less fortunate than you this Christmas. You can donate to a cause or spend time volunteering within your community. We have a place called Agape Center locally that offers many different types of services to families in need from food to clothing to firewood. Helping strangers in need not only helps them, it also helps you.
2. Use meal planning to help save money on non-holiday meals. Keep your meals throughout the season low cost by meal planning. Having a grocery and food budget helps keep money in your pocket year round. Leaving you with extra money to buy a bigger Christmas ham.
3. Get cashback for shopping online. If you are going to be doing any shopping online, take advantage of cashback sites like Rakuten. Just this month alone I’ve already collected $17 cashback with Rakuten from online shopping. My husband and I use the same account and since he does all his shopping online we rack up the cashback amount. Tip: When you get your cashback consider putting that money aside to save for next year’s Christmas money. Any shopping you do online will get you cashback, so put that money in your “Christmas fund”.
Read about other cashback apps to use while shopping here.
4. Buy clearance gift wrap after Christmas. Stores usually mark their Christmas gift wrapping supplies way down after Christmas. This is the best time to stock up for next year.
5. Comparison shop. This is my main reason for shopping online. I would much rather shop in a store, but when I’m in the store I cannot really compare prices as easily. Comparison shopping will save you money, but make sure to factor in shipping costs as well.
6. Shop on Christmas Eve. If you can, head out early on Christmas Eve to get the best deals. Black Friday is a huge shopping day, but most of the best deals happen the day before Christmas. My dad does a lot of last-minute Christmas shopping and he saves so much money. My mom and I always make fun of him for waiting so late, but then we figured out why.
7. Make your own Christmas ornaments. Making your own Christmas ornaments not only saves money, but it’s also a lot of fun. Get the whole family involved and fill up your tree with handmade ornaments. You’ll have memories for years to come!
For ideas on how to make your own Christmas ornaments, see these great posts:
Primitive Christmas Ornaments
Mason Jar Lid Ornaments
Paint Swirl Ornaments
8. Decorate with handmade Christmas decorations. Handmade Christmas decorations do not have to be a difficult task. You can make a lot of home decor using items from Dollar Tree. They can be quick and easy and simple enough that the kids can help you, too.
For DIY Christmas home decor ideas using items from Dollar Tree, see these great posts:
Quick & Easy Christmas DIY’s
Christmas Swag Using Dollar Tree Mini Christmas Trees
Farmhouse Christmas Jars
9. Stick to the Christmas budget. Put a limit on how much money is going to be spent on Christmas and stick to it. When I was younger, my mom told me that she had a certain amount of money to spend on each of us and she usually stayed under budget. That was such a great frugal Christmas tip for me.
10. Give baked goods as presents. People love to eat, at least I know I do! Cookies and baked goods make the perfect Christmas gift for neighbors and friends. Consider baking some Cake Mix Fudge Crinkle Cookies or putting together a bag of Pretzel Hugs.
11. DIY your gifts. Consider making gifts for loved ones instead of buying. If you crochet or knit, maybe make a scarf with gloves and hat gift set. Homemade room sprays, candles, and wax tarts for warmers also make wonderful gifts.
12. Sign up for store emails for discounts. A lot of stores offer discounts on their items or your total purchase just for signing up for their emails. You can always unsubscribe later.

13. Do not buy unnecessary gifts. Just because you see a great deal on something doesn’t mean you have to buy it. Stick to your Christmas list as much as possible and stay away from impulse buys.
14. Use your skills as gifts. Using the skills you have can really help someone else out and keep money in your pocket. Are you good at doing taxes? Then consider helping someone with their taxes. If you can knit or crochet, make chemo caps to donate to cancer centers. If you are great at organizing, consider organizing a friend’s home for her.
15. Try a Christmas grab bag. I was talking with a lady while waiting in line at Kirkland’s and she mentioned that her church does grab bags instead of Secret Santa. They have a limit on the amount to spend on the bag and fill it up with items. A small candle or scent sachet along with a cute little sign and some chocolate fits perfect in a little grab bag.
16. Make the gift last all year. Have a friend or family member with a dog? Consider giving them the gift of walking their dog all year for Christmas. Or how about babysitting once a month for a couple who needs date nights? Give a gift that costs you nothing but means the world to someone else.
17. Save a dollar a day. Starting at the beginning of the year save $1 every day. At the end of the year, you will have saved up a little over $350. Make it $2 a day and you’ll have even more money when Christmas rolls around.
18. Look for free Christmas events. Every year our small town shuts down Downtown and holds a free Christmas event for the public. There’s caroling, sleigh rides, pictures with Santa, games, and so much more. Look for parades to attend, too. A lot of churches have Christmas plays or live nativities, so check out the churches in your area.
19. Combine gifts. My mom always gives my husband and I gifts separately, then gives us something together. Combining gifts for couples helps save a lot of money, especially if you don’t know what to get them separately.
20. Remember the reason for the season! Christmas isn’t about getting a bunch of gifts. It’s about the act of giving. Don’t forget the reason we have Christmas to begin with!
I hope these 20 frugal Christmas tips will help you spend less and give more this holiday season!

I so much love these points. It saves you a lot, penny wise but gives you room to give a lot to others. ?
Thanks for sharing this ma’am. ?
Thank you so much! That’s true – you are saving money and giving a lot! 😀
You are welcome ma’am.
? Multi! ?
Brilliant ideas Michelle, I’ve bought gift wrap after Christmas and it is a big saving. In our office we always do a Christmas Santa, but we limit the gift to no more than $20, you can spend less but no more than 20, in this way mostly everyone can participate. I love shopping when items are on sale and most stores over here have their Christmas items out from June on, and during those months various items will go on sale, that’s when I buy them 🙂 Love this post, so grateful to know you <3
That’s a great idea to limit the office gifts to $20. It should be fun and not stressful on those who don’t have a lot to spend. Shopping after Christmas sales is a great tip. I need to work on shopping sales more year round. 🙂 Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m thankful to have you as a friend!
I too shop like this.
I could never afford Christmas otherwise.
Great tips, Michelle!! I always try to buy wrapping paper and even some decor after Christmas!! Huge savings there!! Couple gifts are a great idea too!!
Thank you! Buying paper and decor after Christmas does save a lot! This year I’m focused on buying new ornaments when they go on sale. 😀
Great advice Michelle! Merry Christmas!
Thank you!! Wishing you and your family a Merry Christmas!
Thank you for the tips?
You’re welcome! I’m glad you found them helpful! 🙂
Wow so great! Helping my pocketbook as always ❤️. Saving this one! Merry Christmas, Michelle!!
Thank you! I’m glad to help keep money in your pocket. 😀 Merry Christmas to you and your family!
These are such great tip! Buying things on clearance after Christmas to save for the next year is always something I try to do!
Thank you! I try to do that, too. It helps save a lot of money on Christmas supplies.
I love the tip, Give gifts that meet a need. When you can volunteer or even donate, this helps to fulfill a need.
Thank you! I think that’s my favorite, too. I love to volunteer my time to help others. 🙂
I too am a fan of online shopping for the sake of price comparisons! I end up being able to afford more presents for my kids that way. Certain items can be purchased used, too. This year I bought a video game for my son for only $10! Also, after Christmas, decor items can be purchased for a fraction of their prices.
Yes, buying used is another great tip! Thank you! You really got a great deal on the video game, because those can be so expensive! 🙂
Such great ideas! Especially the one about remembering the reason for the season.
Thank you so much! I think that’s the most important one of all. 🙂
Great advice! I online shop… and buy Christmas wrapping paper after Christmas for next year.
I used to hate shopping online, but being able to compare prices quickly and easily has changed my mind. 🙂 Buying Christmas supplies after Christmas is such a good idea because you can get them for so cheap!
I definitely wouldn’t mind getting some baked goods for Christmas! ??
Right? Everybody has to eat! And there’s nothing better than homemade cookies and candies and breads… yum! 😀
Oh my god, yes. And it’s such a nice touch when someone actually makes something for you. So much more time, thought and effort goes into creating something!
I’m pretty frugal, so I loved all the tips!
Thank you! It’s great to be frugal! 🙂
I stick to a strict budget. If I cannot pay cash for something I don’t buy it.
That’s a really good tip! Using credit cards to pay can put you in debt fast. Thank you!
Michelle I don’t have a credit card. 11 years ago when I became single I cancelled the joint credit card account. I managed very well without one. I have learnt to save for what I want and need in my life. My gifts for this Christmas which has included 6 people has cost $120 in total.
He I nominated you for SHUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD congrats
Thank you so much!
These are amazing tips. Although I’m failing at #13 a bit! LOL I have saved a TON with cash back sites, though.
Thank you! I have to admit I failed at that one, too this year. I just couldn’t help myself! So I’m making myself stay home next weekend. No more shopping! 😀
Great ideas
Thank you so much!!
Every DIY items of yours are simply awesome.Hats of to you madam.?????
Thank you so much!! 🙂
Most welcome.??
I think I started to comment here and didn’t finish it. Anyhow, my dad always buys Christmas decorations and wrapping paper right after christmas and has this big collection of it ready for the next Christmas. He’s very good at things like that. I need to learn to do the same thing.
That’s great that he’s so frugal and organized. My husband could take some lessons from him. ?
Excellent ideas!!
Thank you!!!
Great tips Michelle. These will definitely help the holidays go by more smoothly. The thoughtfulness of gifts make such a difference. I have to keep in mind finding something good for the whole year.
Thank you so much! It’s hard to buy things year round for my daughter (she’s a tween) because she changes her mind so much. ?
What wonderful tips!
As usual Michelle, you share some efficient reminders to make Christmas more enjoyable and less stressful. Living in a large urban area, I will have the privilege of assisting with the Salvation Army’s Red Box event later this week. Being a volunteer at this night is one of the best ways to give.
Great tips for the season. Have a blessed holiday.
Hi Michelle, Hi Michelle, You are nominated for SUNSHINE BLOGGER AWARD. Congratulation ❤️ Camilla Now you need rules, because you need know what to do after you got Award. Rules and picture of AWARD you can take from my blog from last post. Picture is on the end of my post. Camilla
Hi Michelle, go to my blog, in the last post are rules, what you need follow and picture of AWARD ( small picture) on the end of post. ❤️ Camilla
These are brilliant ideas Micelle… Love all of these specially shopping on Christmas Eve.. I never thought that way… thanks for sharing dear…❤️
Thank you so much! Glad I could help. ?
Great post! No matter how broke I feel, I’m always giving to any Salvation Army folk at the corner because I know too many others need help far more than I. And with Christmas Eve off this year, I may just try to swing a little shopping then… 🙂
Thank you! That’s so sweet of you to give back. Happy Christmas Eve shopping!! ?
Thanks! 🙂
So many excellent tips here Michelle, I’m always a last minute Christmas shopper and as you say, you often find the best bargains Christmas Eve. It’s from then on that I start to stock up on next years wrapping paper and cards etc too! xxx
Thank you! Sounds like you’re doing a great job at keeping money in your pocket. ?
Great ideas Michelle especially the saving a dollar a day! I have never thought of that 🙂 Have a Merry Christmas ❤️
Thank you so much!! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas, too! ?
Great tips for us to know. Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed reading your tips.
Thank you so much!
Mich, I crochet my own Christmas ornaments… And coasters make great gifts.
That’s a great idea! Thank you for sharing.
Amazing frugal tips for Christmas! Thanks Michelle!
Thank you! I’m glad you enjoyed them. ?