35 Topnotch Frugal Living Tips
Are you living paycheck to paycheck with no money left over? These topnotch frugal living tips will help you learn to live frugally so you can enjoy life.
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Why does it sound so bad to call yourself a tightwad or cheap? Aren’t these words the same as frugal?
I can honestly say I’m proud to call myself frugal. I’m happy that I don’t have to live paycheck to paycheck and can live comfortably.
I don’t bother buying anything unless it’s on sale. If it’s a major purchase, then I do my research first and compare prices everywhere I can.
And if there’s a coupon you better believe I’ll be using it!
Living a simple life can bring us contentment. Believe it or not, we can be happy without a ton of money. Here are 35 frugal living tips that will help you live a comfortable frugal life.
Saving on Food and Groceries
- Plan your meals. Pack your lunch for work and eat out less. Learn how to meal plan and stick to your budget.
- Buy foods in bulk and freeze. You can also cook meals ahead of time and freeze them.
- Make a grocery budget and stick to it.
- Clip coupons and use rebate apps while grocery shopping to get cashback.
- Shop the sales flyers.
- Have meatless meal nights and eat more veggies.
- Join your favorite restaurant’s mailing list. If they have a rewards program sign up for it.
- Have a freezer meal exchange party. Gather friends, family, and neighbors and have them prepare and bring over a freezer meal. Exchange meals and recipes.
- Buy generic.
Save on House and Home
- Cut the cable. Try Netflix, Hulu, or Amazon Prime if you prefer to binge-watch and watch movies.
- Make your own cleaning supplies. Try a no-sew lavender sachet to freshen your closets and drawers.
- Cut up old t-shirts to use as rags.
- Get books at the library. (Find out how to get books free or cheap)
- Check the library for movies, too.
- Fix any leaky windows. Fix places that drafts are coming in to save money on electricity.
- Unplug unused appliances and devices. Even when not in use these still draw small amounts of electricity when plugged up.
- Switch to energy-saving light bulbs or LED lights.
- Upcycle and reuse as much as possible.
- DIY as much as possible and learn to do your own repairs.
- Turn the heat down in the winter and bundle up.
- Fix leaky faucets.
- Turn off the water while brushing your teeth.
- Hang your clothes out to dry instead of using the dryer.
- Stop using paper products.
- Make your coffee at home.
Save on Everything Else
- Skip the gym. Go for a walk around the park or ride your bike around town. For rainy days, I walk indoors with Leslie Sansone’s walking videos.
- Skip the movie theater. Have movie nights at home. Make a pizza together as a family and spend the night in watching movies.
- Pay bills on time if possible to avoid the late fees.
- Plan staycations like a zoo or museum close by.
- Have no-spend weekends.
- Do your own nails.
- Color your own hair.
- Make your own gifts.
- Buy used clothing.
- Carpool.
What are some ways you live frugally?
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